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mappServices帮助手册 > mapp IO 管理硬件配置 > 概念 Structure of the import file |
本节介绍导入文件的结构。导入文件的格式与使用 AS 创建的 I/O 映射表、AR 配置和 NC 映射表兼容。
必须在导入文件中指定在 AS 中也可见的所有所需模块。有些模块与隐藏模块相连,而隐藏模块在 AS 中不可见。例如,模块 X67BC8321.L12。它包括一个隐藏模块 (X67BC8321.L12io)。不过,由于它在 AS 中也不显示,因此无需在导入文件中指定!
导入文件中可使用以下 XML 元素:
•IOCFG:根节点通过 "IOCFG "指定。
•模块:可通过 "Module(模块)"定义模块。
•IO 通道:"IO 通道 "定义 IO 通道的信息。只有在 I/O 映射结构需要更改时才必须指定。
•LN:"LN "可用于指定模块的 IO 映射信息。
•NcObject(NC对象):使用该元素可确定模块的 NC 映射信息。
指定元素(如 <Parameter>、<LN> 或 <IO>)的顺序与导入文件无关。导入时,mapp IO 会按要求的顺序自动检索信息。
此处附有导入文件的 XML 模式定义: 导入
<IOCFG xmlns="http://www.br-automation.com/AR/IO" Version="2.0">
<Module ID="$root" Source="AR" SourceID="$root" />
<Module ID="IF6.ST1" Source="AR" SourceName="MyInputModule" />
<Module ID="IF6.ST1.IO">
<LN ID="DigitalInput01" DPName="diInput1" />
<Module ID="IF6.ST2" Source="AR" SourceName="MyOutputModule" >
<LN ID="DigitalOutput01" DPName="doOutput1" />
当前配置中的 CPU 通过 ID 为"$root "的节点 "Module "应用。
This section describes the structure of the import file. The format of the import file is compatible with the I/O mapping table, the AR configuration and the NC mapping table that are created using Automation Studio.
All desired modules that are also visible in Automation Studio must be specified in the import file. Some modules are linked to hidden modules, which are not visible in Automation Studio. This includes, for example, module X67BC8321.L12. It includes a hidden module (X67BC8321.L12io). Since this is also not displayed in Automation Studio, however, it does not have to be specified in the import file!
The following XML elements can be used in the import file:
•IOCFG: The root node is specified via "IOCFG".
•Module: A module can be defined via "Module".
•Parameter: The configuration of a module can be changed using this element.
•IO Channel: "IO Channel" defines the information for the IO channel. Must only be specified if the I/O mapping structure should be changed.
•LN: "LN" can be used to specify the IO mapping information for the module.
•NcObject: The NC mapping information for the module can be determined using this element.
The order in which the elements are specified, such as <Parameter>, <LN> or <IO> is irrelevant to the import file. When importing, mapp IO automatically retrieves the information in the required order.
Attached here is the XML schema definition for the import file: Import
<IOCFG xmlns="http://www.br-automation.com/AR/IO" Version="2.0">
<Module ID="$root" Source="AR" SourceID="$root" />
<Module ID="IF6.ST1" Source="AR" SourceName="MyInputModule" />
<Module ID="IF6.ST1.IO">
<LN ID="DigitalInput01" DPName="diInput1" />
<Module ID="IF6.ST2" Source="AR" SourceName="MyOutputModule" >
<LN ID="DigitalOutput01" DPName="doOutput1" />
The CPU from the current configuration is applied via node "Module" with ID "$root".
After importing this file, the hardware configuration will look like this:
Topics in this section: