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mappServices帮助手册 > mapp IO 管理硬件配置 > 概念 Parameter |
•ID: 组或配置中参数的唯一标识。
•Value: 参数的新值。
有关不允许更改的参数,请参见 "不能使用的模块参数 "部分。
项目文件 "arconfig.br "用于获取配置参数的名称。文件 "arconfig.br "位于 AS 项目的 "Temp "文件夹中。
文件 arconfig.br 可用文本编辑器打开。该文件显示模块的参数名称。如果所需参数位于 I/O 区域,则必须在 "模块 ID "下指定 "IO"(例如""IF6.ST1.IO"")。
<IOCFG xmlns="http://www.br-automation.com/AR/IO" Version="2.0">
<Module ID="$root" Source="AR" SourceID="$root" />
<Module ID="IF6.ST1" Source="AR" SourceID="IF6.ST3" >
<Parameter ID="PowerSupply01" Value="off" />
This element allows the configuration of each module to be modified individually.
•ID: Unique identification of a parameter in a group or the configuration.
•Value: New value of the parameter.
A module can have the different configuration parameters:
For parameters that are not permitted to be changed, see here in section "Module parameters that cannot be used".
Project file "arconfig.br" is used to get the name of the configuration parameter. File "arconfig.br" is located in the "Temp" folder of the Automation Studio project.
File arconfig.br can be opened with a text editor. This file displays the parameter names of the module. If the desired parameter is located in the I/O area, "IO" must be specified under "Module ID" (e.g. ""IF6.ST1.IO"").
Changing a parameter can look like this in an import file:
<IOCFG xmlns="http://www.br-automation.com/AR/IO" Version="2.0">
<Module ID="$root" Source="AR" SourceID="$root" />
<Module ID="IF6.ST1" Source="AR" SourceID="IF6.ST3" >
<Parameter ID="PowerSupply01" Value="off" />