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主页  mappServices帮助手册 > mapp IO 管理硬件配置 > 概念
> 导入文件的结构


"NcObject "用于为模块导入新的 NC 映射。

mapp IO 只能与ACP10/ARNC0 结合使用!



Name: 与模块相连的轴变量名称。

Channel: 变量所连接模块的通道。

InitParameterModule: 初始参数表的规范。该表必须存在于控制器中。mapp IO 不会创建该文件!

AcoposParameterModules: ACOPOS 参数表的规范。该表必须存在于控制器中。mapp IO 不会创建该文件!


<IOCFG xmlns="" Version="2.0">
     <Module ID="IF3.ST1" Source="AR" SourceName="MAcopos" >
        <NcObject Name="myAxis" Channel="1" InitParameterModule="gAxis01i" AcoposParameterModule="gAxis01a"/>


节点 "Module "的结束标记必须位于所有 "NcObject "节点之后!

"NcObject" is used to import a new NC mapping for the module.

mapp IO can only be used in combination with ACP10/ARNC0!


Name: Name of the axis variable connected to the module.

Channel: The channel of the module to which the variable is connected.

InitParameterModule: Specification for the init parameter table. This table must exist on the controller. The file is not created by mapp IO!

AcoposParameterModules: Specification for the ACOPOS parameter table. This table must exist on the controller. The file is not created by mapp IO!


<IOCFG xmlns="" Version="2.0">
     <Module ID="IF3.ST1" Source="AR" SourceName="MAcopos" >
        <NcObject Name="myAxis" Channel="1" InitParameterModule="gAxis01i" AcoposParameterModule="gAxis01a"/>


The closing tag for node "Module" must come after all "NcObject" nodes!