Basic concept

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Basic concept

mapp Services V5.16

This section explains the basic concept of mapp AssetInt.


Statistical information (asset intensity) of a machine is collected and evaluated using mapp AssetInt. This evaluation can be used to optimize the machine process. The goal is to deliver larger quantities, to improve the quality of the products and to gain an overview of the machine downtimes, for example. The asset intensity values serve as the basis for the evaluation. For this purpose, the machine's runtime, downtime, number of products produced, and much more must be known exactly.

Defining machine times

When the machine is active and producing products, this is known as "uptime". If the machine comes to a standstill, this can be scheduled or unscheduled machine downtime. Scheduled downtimes are defined via the MpAssetIntCore configuration. Fixed times are defined. If for some reason the scheduled downtime must start earlier or later, it can still be specified to MpAssetIntCore via input parameter "Downtime". A scheduled downtime can be used for a break, for example.

Unscheduled downtime for the machine can also be specified via input parameter "Downtime" on MpAssetIntCore. An unscheduled standstill can be triggered by a defective module or faulty conveyor belt, for example.

The reason for the scheduled/unscheduled downtime is defined using "DowntimeReason" on MpAssetIntCore. This can be "Defect module" or "Safety door opened", for example.

For more information about this, see here.


The number of products produced by the machine is calculated by the application and transferred to mapp Asset Intensity. The number of products or rejects produced is defined via "PieceCounter" or "RejectCounter" on MpAssetIntCore. These values are also included in the asset intensity values. For more information about this, see here.

Shifts and jobs

A production day can be divided into shifts and jobs in mapp AssetInt. See section Shifts and jobs for more information. Depending on how the production day was configured, other asset intensity values may be displayed for the shifts and jobs.

Asset intensity values

The asset intensity values are based on the defined times, units produced, etc. These can be seen on the output parameters of MpAssetIntCore.

For information about which parameters make up the asset intensity values and how they are calculated, see section Calculating asset intensity.