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mapp Services V5.16

Executing this function enables a user-defined alarm. A user alarm must be added before it can be set. User-defined alarms can be added as follows:

MpAlarmRegUser: Using this function block is the only way to generate user-defined alarms in addition to the mapp alarms and assign them to any mapp component.

In other words, MpAlarmRegUser is the only way to generate user-defined alarms. Only alarms that have been added using MpAlarmRegUser can be configured and used. The following configuration options are available:

WebXs: User-defined alarms can be configured using the WebXs (see section Configuration using WebXs).

Automation Studio: User-defined alarms can be configured for each mapp configuration in the Configuration View (see section Alarm configuration using Automation Studio).

In addition, MpAlarmBasic includes 100 user alarms that can be used as needed.

As soon as the alarms exist (MpAlarmRegUser), they can be enabled using MpAlarmSet. Function MpAlarmReset function is used to reset.

Alarm association:

It is important to note which "AlarmID" is being used when setting. The "AlarmID" can vary for the same user alarm depending on the MpLink:

MpLink from MpAlarmBasic: If MpLink from MpAlarmBasic is specified, then the correct "AlarmID" can be found in the general overview on the WebXs. An instance of MpAlarmBasicUI is needed to view the general overview of user alarms.

MpLink of an individual component: If the MpLink from MpAlarmBasic is specified, then the correct "AlarmID" can be found in the individual view of this component on the WebXs (MpAlarmBasicUI necessary) or in the Automation Studio configuration of this component.

Description of inputs:

AlarmID: Specifies which user alarm should be enabled. Which alarm has which ID can be seen during the creation process in the WebXs.

AddInfo (optional): This optional input makes it possible to supply an additional informational text for each alarm. This input can only be used in connection with an MpAlarmBasicUI component.


This example includes one MpAlarmBasic component and 2 MpAlarmSet functions, all of which are connected with a global MpLink (gMpAlarmBasicLink). The two functions enable the user alarms with ID 1 and 4 that were created in the WebXs.




