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mapp Services V5.16

An MpAlarmBasic component must be active in the system in order to be able to use the alarm configuration on the WebXs.

If the MpAlarmBasic component is selected on the WebXs configuration page (IP address/mapp/config, e.g., then the Reactions tab is displayed. This can be used to define various machine reactions. Checkbox Bypass provides the option of disabling unwanted reactions. The configuration is saved using the Save button.


User alarms can be created under the User alarms tab. A description must be specified. A machine reaction can be specified for each user alarm. It is also possible to select multiple reactions for an alarm. The reactions exist from right to left as bits (right: bit 0 / left: bit 7). Hovering the mouse over a checkbox displays a tooltip with more information about which checkbox stands for which reaction. The Bypass checkbox provides the option of disabling unwanted alarms. If this checkbox is enabled for an alarm, then the alarm and its reaction(s) are ignored in the software. The configuration is applied by clicking on the Save button. A successful save procedure is indicated by a popup window. In addition, function block MpAlarmBasic must be re-enabled for the changes to be applied.


If any other component is selected on the WebXs configuration page, then its default alarms will also be displayed if it has any. The text for default alarms cannot be modified. Their reactions can be configured, however. The Bypass option is also available.


Function block MpAlarmRegUser can be used to create additional user alarms for each component. In order to configure them, the "User alarms" tab for the respective component must be opened. Here its description and reaction can be entered.
