Synchronized mode

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Synchronized mode

mapp Services V5.16

This section explains how mapp PackML operates in synchronized mode. Some terms used are explained here:


On our B&R Tutorial Portal is a tutorial about the synchronized mode (GER/ENG). (access data)

Machine line

One machine line represents the entire production line. The line can be divided into multiple machine units for a better overview and traceability. One MpPackMLCore configuration is added for each machine unit.


Machine unit

A machine unit is a single machine or part of a machine line.

A MpPackMLCore configuration is added for each machine unit. This configuration defines the modes in which the unit can be operated. Mode "Production" is used for production, while mode "Manual" is used for the manual operation of the machine unit. The states ("Starting", "Stopped", etc.) that should be available are determined for each mode.

A machine unit is divided into modules for better traceability of the function:



One MpPackMLModule configuration is used for each module. Each module is controlled via function block MpPackMLModule. A separate function block is required for each module.

In order to ensure communication between the modules, the modules must be linked to each other and enabled.

Linking and enabling the modules

In order for the modules to be linked, a hierarchy is created.


Main module

To create the hierarchy, a main module is defined, which is called "Main" in our example. It is the highest module in the hierarchy. The machine unit is controlled via the main module. For information about how to create a hierarchy, see section Creating a hierarchy.

The modules must be enabled in order to communicate with each other. For more information, see section Enabling the modules.

Communication between the modules

How the modules communicate with each other is described in section Communication between the modules.

Topics in this section:

Creating a hierarchy

Enabling the modules

Communication between the modules