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mapp Services V5.16
The synchronized mode contains additional states: "Activating", "Deactivated" and "Deactivating".
These states can be used to determine whether a module is included in the hierarchy or not. Only active modules are part of the hierarchy and are included in the communication.
Each module is initially in state "Deactivated" until it is enabled. To change from state "Deactivated" to "Activating", the enabling condition must be correct. If needed, the module can be prepared for enabling in state "Activating". A recipe can be loaded or an axis can be switched on and referenced, for example. Once all preparations for enabling the module have been completed, command "StateComplete" takes place on MpPackMLModule. The module will then be in state "Stopped". The module was successfully enabled.
Fig.: PackML state diagram in synchronized mode
The enabling condition is defined in the MpPackMLModule configuration. The module only becomes active if the respective enabling condition applies. It is important to note that a module can be active even though the modules below it are still disabled. Each module is enabled individually and depends only on the enabling condition.
If command "StateComplete" has already been started but the enabling condition does not yet apply, the module remains in state "Deactivated" until the enabling condition is fulfilled.
Inactive modules can be enabled and added at any time. This allows additional modules to be included in the machine process depending on the current product.
An Automation Studio project may contain all modules and, depending on the respective configuration of a machine unit, other modules can be enabled or disabled.
How the module should be enabled is defined in the MpPackMLModule configuration under "Module activation":
If "Automatic" is selected, the enabling condition is automatically valid. This option can be selected for a module that should always be available and used, such as module "Main", "Infeed" or "Outfeed". With this enabling condition, the module immediately switches to state "Activating".
When selecting mode "Automatic", the module can no longer be disabled.
Using "By PV", the enabling condition is based on a process variable. The process variable must be of data type "BOOL". If the specified process variable is TRUE, the enabling condition becomes valid. If the specified process variable is FALSE, the condition is no longer valid and the module can be disabled. For more information about disabling modules, see section "Disabling a module". This enabling condition is suitable for modules that are optional. This allows the module to be enabled or disabled as required depending on the machine configuration.
By parent
By selecting "By parent", the enabling condition becomes valid as soon as the higher-level module is active. This option can be selected if the higher-level module is an optional module. This makes the configuration of linked modules easier during initial configuration and for understanding the correlations at a later point in time.
Based on the example above, enabling the modules can be set as follows:
An enabled module can also be disabled again. It is important to note that only modules whose enabling condition has been set to "By PV" or "By parent" in the MpPackMLModule configuration can be disabled.
To disable the module, it must be in state "Aborted" or "Stopped". As soon as the enabling condition defined in the MpPackMLModule configuration is no longer valid, the module is disabled. This puts the module in state "Deactivating". Command "StateComplete" switches the module to state "Deactivated". This disables the module.
The enabling condition is only checked in these two states ("Aborted", "Stopped"). It is not checked in any other state.