<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: »No topics above this level« MpSkyline configuration |
mapp Services V5.16
For information about how the configuration can be adjusted at runtime, see here in section "Changing the configuration at runtime".
•Show advanced parameter
Name |
MpSkyline |
Module state collections |
Collection name: {/Name} |
Name |
States |
State: {/Name} |
Name |
Notification collections |
Collection name: {/Name} |
Name |
Notifications |
Notification: {/Name} |
Name |
Module types |
Module type: {/Name} |
Name |
Size |
State collection |
Notification collection |
Machine skyline |
Module: {/Name} |
Name |
Type |
Text |
Grouping |
This section uses terms that are found in section Basic concept.
Under "Module state collections", state models can be created for the module types.
The desired states are defined in a state module. You can choose from a number of predefined states or add your own states.
Fig.: Predefined states |
Fig.: Self-defined state |
For an explanation about how a state change is made visible in widget "Skyline", see section Interacting with the widget.
Under "Notification collections", notification lists can be created for the module types.
The desired notifications are defined in a notification list. You can choose from a number of predefined notifications or add your own.
For an explanation about how a notification is displayed in widget "Skyline", see section Interacting with the widget.
If the extended parameters are enabled in the configuration, it is possible to define whether a notification can be displayed once or multiple times.
If "Multiple instances" is set to "Enabled", the same notification can be set multiple times using MpSkylineSetNotification. This looks something like this in widget "Skyline":
The different module types are defined under "Module types" A unique name for the type must be defined under "Name". The size of the module type to be displayed in widget "Skyline" is defined via "Size". Here you can choose between XS, S, M or L. The size of these parameters is defined via properties "minXS", "maxXS", "minM", "maxM", etc. on widget "Skyline" .
Which state module and which notification list should be used for the module type is specified via "State collection" and "Notification collection".
For an explanation about how a module type is displayed in widget "Skyline", see section Interacting with the widget.
How the skyline should look is defined under "Machine skyline". The desired modules are specified one after the other.
A unique name must be defined for each module. The desired module type is selected under "Type". A static text or a text that is localized by the text system can be specified under "Text". This text will be displayed on widget "Skyline". For an explanation about how the text can be positioned in the module and how the appearance can be defined, see section Interacting with the widget or Positioning texts and symbols.
For each module, it is also possible to display a module symbol. This will be defined in widget "Skyline". For more information, see here.
"Grouping" can be used to determine whether or not modules of the same type can be grouped together to improve the display on widget "Skyline" . It can look like this, for example:
Fig.: Skyline without module grouping |
Fig.: Skyline with module grouping |
For more information, see section "Positioning the Modules / Grouping" in Interacting with the widget.
To create options for module types, the advanced properties must be enabled in the configuration.
First, a state module must be created for the option under "Option state collections". This works according to the same principle as explained under "States". This means that an option can assume different states. For example, option "Cooling" may have state "On" or "Off".
The option itself is defined under "Options". A unique name must be specified for the option under "Names". Under "State collection", the desired state module is specified that was previously created under "Option state collections".
Finally, the option is assigned to a module type. Several different options can also be specified.