Basic concept

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Basic concept

mapp Services V5.16

The objective of mapp Skyline is to display a machine line visually. Various notifications in the line (e.g. information, warnings) for the machine user as well as machine states (e.g. switched on or off) can be displayed visually.

This section lists and explains all relevant terminology and definitions.


Our B&R Tutorial Portal includes tutorials about mapp Skyline(GER/ENG). (access data)

The "SVG Skyline" library provided by mapp View contains images that can be used for the skyline. This library is available via the toolbox and can be stored in the mapp View package in the Logical View under Resources → Media.



The skyline is the machine line to be displayed.

The structure is defined in the MpSkyline configuration. To display the skyline in a mapp View HMI application, widget "Skyline" is used.


Fig.: Example of a machine line

Module type

Module types must be defined for a skyline. This means that the machine types making up the machine line must be defined. A machine type can be a printer unit ("PrinterUnit") or stacker unit ("StackerUnit"), for example.


Fig.: PrinterUnit


Fig.: StackerUnit

The module types are defined in the MpSkyline configuration under "Module types".


The skyline is created using modules. A module must always be assigned a module type. One or more modules of the same type can exist.

The module sequence, which is specified in the MpSkyline configuration under "Machine skyline", determines the appearance of the skyline.

In the following example, the skyline consists of two module types: "PrinterUnit" and "StackerUnit".


Module state

A module can assume different states. However, only one state can be active at a time. The module state can, for example, indicate whether the module is switched on or off or whether the machine is in an error state.


Fig.: Printer "Black" is in an error state.

Which module states exist is defined in the MpSkyline configuration under "Module states collection". One state model can be selected per module type. By default, the first defined state is active in the configuration.

To enable a state for a module, function MpSkylineSetModuleState is used. For an explanation of how to visually display the different states, see section Interacting with the widget of widget "Skyline".


Each module can display one or more notifications e.g. that point out service tasks, warnings or information to the user.


Fig.: Printer "Black" is displaying information.

The notifications are specified in the MpSkyline configuration under "Notification collection". One notification list can be defined per module type.

To enable or disable a notification for a module type, functions MpSkylineSetNotification and MpSkylineResetNotification are used.

For an explanation about how a notification is displayed in widget "Skyline", see section Interacting with the widget.


Different options can be created for each module type. This means that not only a state can be defined for a module, but also other various options. These options can be used to enable or disable additional module functionalities. For example, an option can be used for heating or cooling a module.


Fig.: Option "Cooling" is active for printer "Black".

The options are specified in the MpSkyline configuration.

An option can assume different states. The option states are defined in the MpSkyline configuration under "Option state collection". This means, for example, that option "Cooling" can have states "On" or "Off".

To change a state for an option, function MpSkylineSetOptionState is used. To check which state is currently enabled for an option, function MpSkylineCheckOptionState is used.

For an explanation about how an option is displayed in widget "Skyline", see section Interacting with the widget.