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mappServices帮助手册 > mapp IO 管理硬件配置 > 概念 Auditing in mapp IO |
可以使用 MpAudit记录这些组件的事件 。有关如何创建条目的更多信息,请参阅 定义事件文本一节 。
这些 mapp 组件可能发生以下事件:
该事件类型用于记录 mapp IO中的事件 。
如果通过mapp ViewHMI 应用程序触发事件,则某些事件无法分配给用户。使用 "op "缩写时必须考虑到这一点。有关更多信息,请参阅将事件分配给用户一节。
96 |
Components |
Events |
idx |
返回当前生成事件的索引。每个新事件的索引值都会递增。因此,事件列表中第一个生成的事件的索引值为 1;第 50 个事件的索引值为 50,第 100 个事件的索引值为 100。 |
desc |
事件描述 |
op |
事件发生时登录的用户名 |
ev |
事件 ID |
map |
通过 MpLink 分配给该事件的 mapp 组件名称 |
file |
文件名称 |
dev |
存储介质名称 |
Events for these components can be recorded using MpAudit. For more information about how to create an entry, see section Defining the event text.
The following events can occur for these mapp components:
This event type is used to record events in mapp IO.
If events are triggered via a mapp View HMI application, some events cannot be assigned to a user. This must be taken into account when using the "op" abbreviation. For additional information, see section Assigning events to a user.
96 |
Components |
Events |
idx |
Returns the index of the currently generated event. The value is incremented on each new event. The first generated event in the event list thus has value 1; the 50th event has index 50 and the 100th has index 100. |
desc |
Description of the event |
op |
Name of the user who was logged in when the event occurred |
ev |
Event ID |
map |
Name of the mapp component to which the event is assigned via MpLink |
file |
Name of the file |
dev |
Name of the storage medium |