Connection to alarm management

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Connection to alarm management

mapp Services V5.16

Notification can be sent to a user in the event of an alarm. There are only a few settings necessary for this:


Use case "Sending an alarm notification" also explains this functionality.

Alarm configuration

"MpAlarmX" must be used as the alarm system. The MpAlarmXCore configuration is added. In our example, we have created alarm TempHigh. In order for a message to be sent when the alarm is triggered, "SendMessage" must be selected under section Mapping.


Message configuration

If alarm "TempHigh" is triggered, a message is sent automatically to the first person to be notified. For this reason, we have to specify a user under Subscriptions and hierarchy. Additional settings can also be made in this section; more information about these can be found in the MpTweetCore configuration.
