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mapp Services V5.16
A machine fills a soft drink into bottles. The machine operator needs to ensure that the tank containing the soft drink does not drop below a lower limit value. Since the machine operator is responsible for multiple machines at the same time, he needs to be notified via text message as soon as the fill level drops below the limit. This allows him to refill the tank before it becomes necessary to stop the filling process.
•Component list
•MpAlarmXCore (own MpLink): Collects all alarms from mapp components
•MpAlarmXSet (MpLink from MpAlamXCore): Sets a user alarm
•MpAlarmXReset (MpAlarmXReset from MpAlamXCore): Resets a user alarm
•MpTweetCore (own MpLink): This component establishes a connection to a specified modem that makes it possible to transmit and receive messages.
The MpAlarmXCore configuration is added.
User alarm "LowProduct" is created. In order for a message to be sent when an alarm occurs, action "Send message" must be selected in the alarm configuration under Mapping. This will send the message with the text specified in the alarm configuration under Message.
The MpTweet configuration is added.
In order for a machine operator to receive the alarm message, they must be specified in the Receiver List. It is important that the recipient is also specified under Subscriptions and hierarchy, since alarm messages are sent to the recipients in this list.
The MpTweetCore component is added in order to establish a connection with the modem specified in the configuration. For information on how to configure the modem, see section SiteManager configuration.
The components MpAlarmXCore, MpAlarmXSet and MpAlarmXReset are added for alarm management.
After the components are added, they are connected to each other as described under "Connection diagram" and then configured.
For information on how to enable and disable alarms, see the use case User alarm management.
If the "ProductLow" alarm is active, the machine operator receives a text message containing the alarm text specified in the alarm configuration.