MpIO configuration

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主页  mappServices帮助手册 > mapp IO 管理硬件配置 > 配置

MpIO configuration

有关如何在运行时调整配置的信息,请参阅 此处 "在运行时更改配置 "部分。




Import Settings

Master Configuration

Insert Position

Backup Device Name

Template Device Name

IO Datapoint Filters

Input Variables


Output Variables


Acp10 Axis Variables


要显示配置中的高级参数,必须启用 "显示其他高级参数":


Master configuration

参数 "主配置 "定义了设置硬件配置时使用的基础:


None: 如果选择 "无",导入文件将从控制器开始定义整个硬件配置。


Automation Runtime: 在这种情况下,控制器上的硬件配置是基础。参数 "Insert Position(插入位置)"定义了导入文件中的模块应被添加到的接口(例如,"IF6 "用于 X20CP1586 上的 X2X 接口)。

使用参数 "Exclude(排除)"还可以忽略主站配置的某些区域。此处定义的接口将在导入时从硬件配置中删除。




如果要删除一个完整的接口,可指定 "IF6.ST*"。


如果要删除接口的单个模块,例如第一个位置,则必须在 "Exclude(排除)"下指定 "IF6.ST1 "和 "IF6.ST1.*"。




保留 PV 映射



仅影响安全模块。如果在 MpIOImport导入过程中删除了安全模块 ,那么 SafeLOGIC 控制器中的链接不会自动更新,这可能会导致错误。属性 "Remove unresolved links(删除未解决的链接)"可定义导入是否应查找并删除 SafeLOGIC 控制器中未使用或无效的链接。


更多信息,请参阅 "使用特殊硬件"部分


参数 "Backup device name(备份设备名称)"指定导入时保存原始配置备份文件的文件设备。文件设备应创建在 CompactFlash 卡或板载闪存上。


参数 "模板设备名称 "指定 导入时查找模板文件的文件设备


合理性检查验证导入文件中指定的过程变量是否对 I/O 映射有效。例如,可以检查进程变量的数据类型是否适合硬件模块上的数据类型。如果禁用所有合理性检查,则不会检查映射是否合理。


Allow narrowing: 定义是否允许将较小的数据类型(如 INT)映射到较大的数据类型(如 DINT)。如果 "Check Types = FALSE"(检查类型 = FALSE),则该选项无效。

Check types: 定义映射的数据类型在导入时是否必须匹配。

Check PVs: 定义在导入时是否检查指定变量是否存在。

Check axis PVs: 定义在导入时是否检查指定轴引用是否存在。


例如," 替换Replace "可用于删除硬件模块名称中的某个前缀。此外,还需指定执行该操作的配置。





在 AS 中配置了不同机器类型的硬件配置。根据选择的机器类型,只需导入所需的输入和输出模块。


两个输入模块应使用相同的过程变量。如果在两个模块中映射了相同的 PV,则在编译过程中会出现错误信息,提示一个 PV 只允许映射到一个输入模块一次。为避免出现这种情况,可在模块中指定前缀 "1_":


这样就可以多次映射同一个 PV。

为确保在导入所需硬件配置(机器类型 A 或机器类型 B)时使用正确的 PV,必须删除配置中的前缀。为此可使用功能 "Replace(替换)"。





<IOCFG xmlns="" Version="2.0">

  <Module ID="$root" Source="AR" SourceID="$root" />

  <Module ID="IF6.ST1" Source="AR" SourceName="InputModuleA" />

  <Module ID="IF6.ST1" Source="AR" SourceName="OutputModuleA" />


I/O datapoint filters

项目 "I/O 数据点过滤器 "定义了哪些变量可用于 I/O 映射。 例如,如果定义 "输入变量 "只能是前缀为 "di "或 "ai "变量 ,MpIO会在导入时检查导入文件是否遵循了这一规则。MpIO 会在导入过程中检查导入文件是否遵循了这一规则。该规定用星号 (*) 表示,例如,星号 (*) 可以是这样的:






如果没有为 PV 指定值,则也无法执行 IO 映射,因为将搜索没有名称的进程变量。




For information about how the configuration can be adjusted at runtime, see here in section "Changing the configuration at runtime".

The changed configuration parameters are immediately applied to the component.

Show advanced parameter


Import Settings

Master Configuration

Insert Position

Backup Device Name

Template Device Name

IO Datapoint Filters

Input Variables


Output Variables


Acp10 Axis Variables


"Show other advanced parameters" must be enabled in order to display the advanced parameters in the configuration:


Master configuration

Parameter "Master configuration" defines the basis used when setting up the hardware configuration:


None: If "None" is selected, the import file defined the entire hardware configuration starting with the controller.


Automation Runtime: In this case, the hardware configuration on the controller serves as the basis. Parameter "Insert Position" defines the interface to which the modules in the import file should be added (e.g. "IF6" for the X2X interface on X20CP1586).

Certain areas of the master configuration can also be ignored using parameter "Exclude". The interfaces defined here are removed from the hardware configuration during import.




"IF6.ST*" can be specified if a complete interface should be deleted.


If a single module of an interface should be deleted, for example at the first position, "IF6.ST1" and "IF6.ST1.*" must be specified under "Exclude".




Preserve PV mapping

This item ensures that variable mappings are left untouched during import.

Remove unresolved links

Only affects safety modules. If a safety module is removed during import by MpIOImport, then the links in the SafeLOGIC controller are not updated automatically, which can lead to errors. Property "Remove unresolved links" can define whether the import should look for and delete unused or invalid links for the SafeLOGIC controller.


For more information, see section Working with special hardware.

Backup device name

Parameter "Backup device name" specifies the file device to which backup files of the original configuration are saved during import. The file device should be created on the CompactFlash card or onboard flash memory.

Template device name

Parameter "Template device name" specifies the file device on which template files are looked for during import.

Plausibility checks

The plausibility checks verify whether the process variables specified in the import file are valid for the I/O mapping. For example, it is possible to check whether the data type of a process variable is suitable for the data type on a hardware module. If all plausibility checks are disabled, then whether the mappings make sense is not checked.


Allow narrowing: Defines whether mapping a smaller data type (e.g. INT) to a larger data type (e.g. DINT) is permitted. This has no effect if "Check Types = FALSE".

Check types: Defines whether data types for a mapping must match during import.

Check PVs: Defines whether the existence of the specified variables should be checked during import.

Check axis PVs: Defines whether the existence of the specified axis references should be checked during import.


"Replace" can be used to remove a certain prefix in the names of hardware modules, for example. The configuration in which the action should take place is also specified.


The action defines what should be changed in this file. "Pattern" defines the prefix to be removed, for example.



The hardware configuration for different machine types is configured in AS. It should be possible to choose between machine types A and machine types B. Depending on which machine type is selected, only the required input and output modules should be imported.


Both input modules should use the same process variable. If the same PV is mapped in both modules, an error message appears during the compilation process indicating that a PV is only permitted to be mapped once to an input module. To avoid this, the prefix "1_" is specified in a module:


This allows the same PV to be mapped multiple times.

To ensure that the correct PV is used during the import of the desired hardware configuration (machine type A or machine type B), the prefix in the configuration must be deleted. Function "Replace" can be used for this.


The prefix is deleted automatically.

This allows the process variable to be specified normally in the import file. No prefix is required. The import file could look like this:


<IOCFG xmlns="" Version="2.0">

  <Module ID="$root" Source="AR" SourceID="$root" />

  <Module ID="IF6.ST1" Source="AR" SourceName="InputModuleA" />

  <Module ID="IF6.ST1" Source="AR" SourceName="OutputModuleA" />


I/O datapoint filters

Item "I/O data point filters" defines which variables are permitted for I/O mapping. If it is defined, for example, that "Input variables" can only be variables with the prefix '"di" or "ai", MpIO checks during import to determine whether the import file follows this rule. The specification is made with the asterisk (*), which can look like this, for example:




An error is output for input variables with a different prefix.


If a value is not specified for the PV, IO mapping cannot be performed either because a process variable with no name would be searched for.

