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主页  mappServices帮助手册 > mapp IO 管理硬件配置 > 概念


本节列出了 mapp IO 的一般条件:



mapp IO 只能与 ACP10/ARNC0结合使用 !目前  不支持mappMotion

无法配置 CNC 通道。

无法配置 SDC 轴。

可以在项目中使用 ACOPOS P3。但在导入硬件时,不允许更改 ACOPOS P3 的位置。





o必须在导入文件中指定在 Automation Studio 中也可见的所有所需模块。某些模块与隐藏模块相连,而隐藏模块在 Automation Studio 中不可见。例如,模块 X67BC8321.L12。它包括一个隐藏模块 (X67BC8321.L12io)。由于该模块在 Automation Studio 中也不显示,因此无需在导入文件中指定!

o应禁用所有模块的模块监控("Module supervised")。否则,如果指定插槽中没有硬件模块,控制器将以服务模式启动。



接口模块不能与 mapp IO 结合使用。

与输入和输出相连的变量不允许 直接导出数据类型

如果 mapp IO 与 mapp Safety结合使用 ,必须注意 SL 和 SLX 模块的位置不能在运行时更改



某些模块参数不能通过导入文件更改。可创建一个模块列表来检查哪些参数受影响。这将检查已安装的模块,并将其列在 模块列表部分


创建过程中会出现一个命令窗口。创建完成后,可以关闭窗口并 检查模块列表

创建过程中需要使用PowerShell ,该程序默认安装在 Windows 7 及更高版本中。如果随后删除了程序,则无法创建模块列表。

模块列表 列出了所有无法使用的模块参数。搜索窗口可用于搜索模块。通配符(如 "*")不能用于搜索。点击模块会显示不允许使用的参数。

如果参数显示为 "只读",则表示不允许更改该参数。更改会引发未定义的行为。如果参数显示 "Config(配置)",则更改无效。mapp IO 无法更改设置。






This section lists the general conditions of mapp IO:


Motion control

mapp IO can only be used in combination with ACP10/ARNC0! Currently, mapp Motion is not supported.

CNC channels cannot be configured.

SDC axes cannot be configured.

ACOPOS P3 can be used in the project. When importing the hardware, however, the position of the ACOPOS P3 is not permitted to change.

Generic interface cards cannot be used when using template files.




oAll desired modules that are also visible in Automation Studio must be specified in the import file. Some modules are linked to hidden modules, which are not visible in Automation Studio. This includes, for example, module X67BC8321.L12. It includes a hidden module (X67BC8321.L12io). Since this is also not displayed in Automation Studio, however, it does not have to be specified in the import file!

oModule supervision ("Module supervised") should be disabled for all modules. Otherwise, the controller starts in service mode if the hardware modules are not present in the specified slots.



Interface modules cannot be used in combination with mapp IO.

Variables that are connected to inputs and outputs are not permitted to be directly derived data types.

If mapp IO is used in combination with mapp Safety, it is important to note that the position of SL and SLX modules cannot be changed at runtime.


Module parameters that cannot be used

Some module parameters cannot be changed via the import file. A module list can be created to check which parameters are affected. This checks the installed modules and lists them in section Module list.

Creating the module list can take several minutes since each installed module is checked.

A command window appears while this is ongoing. When creation is completed, the window can be closed and the module list can be checked.

PowerShell is needed for creation, which is installed by default in Windows 7 and later. If the program was subsequently deleted, the module list cannot be created.

The module list lists all module parameters that cannot be used. The search window can be used to search for a module. Wildcard symbols such as "*" cannot be used for the search. Clicking on a module displays the parameters that are not permitted to be used.

If a parameter displays "ReadOnly", the parameter is not permitted to be changed. Changes can trigger undefined behavior. If a parameter displays "Config", a change has no effect. The settings cannot be changed by mapp IO.



Topics in this section:

Module list