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mapp Services V5.16

In this section, you will find possible questions and obstacles that may arise when implementing mapp Skyline.


All events and information are listed in the Logger. If an error occurs in the communication between widget "Skyline" and mapp Skyline, the error number can also be read using action "OnError".

The skyline is not displayed in the web browser

If an empty skyline widget appears when calling the HMI application in the web browser, this allows for the following options:

In property mpLink , in widget "Skyline" the mapp Link of a MpSkyline configuration was not specified.

Library "MpServer" was not transferred to the target system. For more information, see mapp communication.

No sizes were defined for properties minXS, maxXS, minS, maxS, etc. in widget "Skyline" .

An SVG image must be specified at property pointerImage in widget "Skyline".

Style changes are not displayed in the skyline

Widget "SkylineModuleStyle" and widget "SkylineNotificationStyle" can be used to define the display colors for the module and notification symbol. For an explanation about how these are used, see section Interacting with the widget.

If the specified style changes are not applied, there may be two reasons for this:

The style ID does not match the name of the state or it does not match the notification ID.

When using widgets "SkylineModuleStyle" and "SkylineNotificationStyle" , the style ID must match the desired state or desired notification ID. For these, see the MpSkyline configuration.


SVG image already contains attribute "fill"

When using SVG images in mapp View HMI applications, note that almost any SVG element can take on a color by setting the corresponding "fill" attribute. If the color must be adjusted using a style, the SVG element is not permitted to have attribute "fill".

For more information about SVG images in mapp View HMI applications, see here.

My second skyline is not displayed.

It is not currently possible to configure multiple skylines. For each target system, a MpSkyline configuration can be used to display only one skyline.