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mapp Services V5.16

The MpLink for this function block is the same that is used for function block MpAssetIntCore.

All entries logged by MpAssetIntCore are then displayed by MpAssetIntJobListUI. MpAssetInt must be active in order to use the functions of this mapp components. Data is exchanged between MpAssetIntJobListUI and the HMI application using structure MpAssetIntJobListUIConnectType.

The current asset intensity data is displayed. An entry is always created as soon as a shift has been completed or as soon as a job change has been performed. If a job change is performed during a shift, the entry contains the data since the beginning of the shift until the time of the job change. If the shift has ended, the data from the time of the shift change to the end of the shift is listed.


Structure "UIConnect" is divided into the following areas:

Status: Shows the current status of the machine.

Output: All job-related asset intensity data is displayed using structure MpAssetIntUIJobListOutputType.

Filter:Offers the option of displaying the asset intensity data from a certain starting point to a certain ending point


"OutputListSize" defines in this structure how many jobs should be displayed on one page of the HMI application. "ScrollWindow" determines how many jobs from the list are displayed in advance when scrolling up and down.