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mapp Services V5.16
This section explains the individual overall equipment effectiveness values and how they are calculated. The parameters are considered in relation to the currently running shift.
As explained in section Basic concept, times must be defined in a machine. These can be divided as follows:
•Uptime: Uptime is the time during which the machine actively produces products.
•ScheduledDowntime: ScheduledDowntime refers to a machine's scheduled downtime. This can be used for scheduled maintenance work on the machine or breaks, for example. Scheduled downtimes are defined in the MpOeeCore configuration. Fixed times are defined.
•UnscheduledDowntime: UnscheduledDowntime refers to an unscheduled downtime on the machine. This can be triggered by a defective module or faulty conveyor belt, for example. The unscheduled downtime is specified via "Downtime = TRUE" on MpOeeCore. The reason for the standstill is defined via "DowntimeReason" on MpOeeCore.
•TotalTime: The total runtime ("TotalTime") of the machine is composed of the "Uptime" and scheduled/unscheduled downtime.
Parameter "IdealCycleTime" is specified on MpOeeCore under "Parameters".
IdealCycleTime specifies the ideal cycle time for creating a product, e.g. 2 minutes. For this, it is important to know how fast a product can be produced by the machine. The user defines the "ideal" cycle time. This means that the machine is still capable of production if the time is faster or slower.
In order to calculate the overall equipment effectiveness, the exact quantities of the machine must be known. For this, parameters "PieceCounter" and "RejectedCounter" must be specified on MpOeeCore. These two parameters must be calculated in the application and specified to the function block.
The following parameters can be calculated from "PieceCounter" and "RejectedCounter". These parameters can be obtained with respect to the current shifts. When starting a new shift, the parameters listed below are reset to 0.
•TotalPieces: TotalPieces returns the total quantity of products produced.
•RejectedPieces: Defective products may occur during production. The parameter returns the number of rejected products.
•GoodPieces: GoodPieces are products that are produced error-free or that meet the quality requirements. This is calculated as follows:
TotalPieces - RejectedPieces
•TargetPieces: TargetPieces specifies the target quantity of products that should be produced by the machine at an ideal cycle time. This parameter is calculated as follows:
•AverageCycleTime: AverageCycleTime specifies the average cycle time for product manufacturing. This parameter is calculated as follows:
Uptime / TotalPieces
•Availability: "Availability" specifies the availability of the machine. This parameter is calculated as follows:
Availability = Uptime / ScheduledDowntime
•Performance: Parameter "Performance" returns the performance that has been achieved since the start of the shift. This parameter is calculated as follows:
(TotalPieces* IdealCycleTime) / Uptime
•Quality: "Quality" expresses the quality of the product since the start of the shift. This parameter is calculated as follows:
(TotalPieces - RejectedPieces) / (TotalPieces)
•OEE: "OEE" specifies the overall equipment effectiveness. This parameter is composed of the availability and performance of the machine as well as the quality of the products. This parameter is calculated as follows:
Availability * Performance * Quality