Alarm assignment

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Alarm assignment

mapp Services V5.16

In order to show alarms in the HMI application, we have to create a connection to the VC4 visualization object. This connection forms the alarm and acknowledgment image. It is important for the user to know how the alarms are arranged in the alarm and acknowledgment images. The arrangement of MpAlarm is created automatically during the first boot procedure. How alarms are arranged in the alarm and acknowledgment images on function block MpAlarmBasicUI depends on two different settings:

Alarm source

The source depends on the MpLink connected to MpAlarmBasicUI. The number of alarms that should be displayed via one (or more) alarm groups changes depending on the source.

If MpAlarmBasicUI is connected to an individual mapp component via MpLink, then only alarms from this one component are applied to the alarm image. Alarm assignment does not really matter in this case. With this variant (decentralized alarm handling), there is no specific arrangement; there is one alarm group per mapp component (see Decentralized user alarm management for an example).

If MpAlarmBasicUI is connected to MpAlarmBasic via MpLink, then all alarms are displayed in a list. In this case, the user must know the order in which the alarms are entered on the list so that the corresponding connection to the VC4 visualization object is possible. Only one alarm group is needed in this case (see Centralized alarm management for an example).


The mode in which MpAlarmBasicUI is being operated is another factor that affects the size and assignment of the alarm image. Only mapp alarms, user alarms or all alarms are added to the list.

In mpALARM_UI_MODE_USER and mpALARM_UI_MODE_MAPP, the respective alarms are added to the list. In mpALARM_UI_MODE_USER mode, mapp alarms do not need to be taken into account when calculating the size for the alarm image / acknowledgment image. In mpALARM_UI_MODE_MAPP mode, user alarms do not need to be taken into account when calculating the size for the alarm image / acknowledgment image.

In mpALARM_UI_MODE_ALL mode, all user alarms and mapp alarms are included in the list. The user alarms are always arranged after the mapp alarms.

With these points in mind, it is possible to explain how the alarm and acknowledgment images are put together. A complete list is also available via WebXs.

Alarm assignment via the configuration

There is also the possibility of affecting how alarms are assigned in the alarm or acknowledgment image via MpAlarmBasic configuration. This only makes sense when working with centralized alarm management. The Mapped components item is available in the configuration for this. This item is only visible if the advanced parameters are visible. The user can determine the size of the alarm or acknowledgment image by storing the alarms from the individual components there with a freely defined offset. The following data is configured for this:

Full name: Name of the mapp component for which the alarms should be stored. It must also be specified whether the mapp alarms (.DefaultAlarm) or user alarms (.UserAlarm) should be mapped. Regardless of whether mapp alarms (.DefaultAlarm) or user alarms (.UserAlarm), alarms that not explicitly mapped are appended automatically to the end of the alarm or acknowledgment image by MpAlarmBasic.

Number of alarms: Depends on the mode selected using MpAlarmBasicUI. Each mapp component has its own alarms, which are listed in the respective sections of the help system. It is also possible for the user to add alarms. MpAxis has 15 mapp alarms, for example, which means that if this mapp component should be mapped, then there must be enough space for at least 15 alarms. If user alarms are also to be added, then this number will increase likewise.

Offset: Determines the position in the alarm image where the alarms are stored. If a value of 100 is entered here, then the alarms from this mapp component begin at position 100 of the array in the alarm image / acknowledgment image. Positions 0-99 remain available. Gaps are not a problem. In other words, if the 100 skipped over positions are not assigned, an error is not reported.

If using the Mapped components item, the alarm list is not generated automatically during booting; it is generated according to the settings in the MpAlarmBasic configuration instead. The advantage here is that you do not have to calculate anything. The following example shows one possible configuration:


The alarms for four mapp components are being mapped. The mapp alarms for all four mapp components should be mapped, but the user alarms should only be mapped for two: gLinkConveyor and gLinkAudit. The offset is selected in such a way that the alarms of the next component begin exactly where the alarms of the previous component end.

If a mapped alarm violates the index of another alarm, the alarm being mapped will overwrite the previous alarm.