Discrete and persistent alarms

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Discrete and persistent alarms

mapp Services V5.16

A discrete alarm (edge alarm) is an individual event that only occurs for a short time. An example would be a message that a file could not be opened.

Discrete alarms are configured as follows in the Visual Components 4 HMI application.

The following applies to all discrete alarms:

Acknowledge: Required

WhileActive: Enabled

Example: The file could not be opened.


A persistent alarm represents a system state. An example would be the level in a tank being too low. This alarm remains in place until the tank is full again.

Persistent alarms are configured as follows in the Visual Components 4 HMI application.

The following settings apply to persistent alarms that require acknowledgment:

Acknowledge: Required

WhileActive: Enabled

Example: The temperature is critical, the heating process was interrupted.


The following settings apply to persistent alarms that require acknowledgment (but acknowledgment is only possible after the alarm is inactive):

Acknowledge: Required

WhileActive: Disabled

Example: Safety door was opened, motors were stopped.


The following settings apply to persistent alarms that do not require acknowledgment:

Acknowledge: Possible

WhileActive: Enabled

Example: The water level in the tank is low.
