Testing the program

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Testing the program

mapp Services V5.16

After the changes are downloaded, the program can be tested. Monitor mode is enabled.




Function block MpAssetIntCore, as well as the variables for the number of pieces and the number of rejects, have already been added to the Watch window. The asset intensity can be read from the output parameters of MpAssetIntCore. The data can be saved to the data storage device using command "Export".




The exported files are located on the previously defined data storage device.

The timeline displays all events that occur during a job or shift.

In the job statistics, an entry is generated for each job. All relevant data for the respective job is included, e.g. start/end time of the job, etc.

An entry is created for each shift in the shift statistics. All relevant data for the respective shift is included, e.g. start/end time of the job, etc.

The values relevant to asset intensity are included in all three files. The asset intensity of the machine can be viewed by opening one of the files is opened. This can be analyzed in order to optimize productivity or availability of the machine, for example.

