Status numbers

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Status numbers

mapp Services V5.16

Topics in this section:

1083355143: MpTweetCore not yet active

1083355138: Connection being established

-1064239103: Could not create component

-1064239102: MpLink is null pointer

-1064239101: MpLink connection not permitted

-1064239100: MpLink modified

-1064239099: Invalid MpLink contents

-1064239098: MpLink already in use

-1064239097: Parameter structure is a null pointer

-1064239091: Invalid configuration

-1064128512: Invalid recipient

-1064128511: Invalid request

-1064128509: Could not send message

-1064128508: Ping not successful

-1064128507: Lost communication to modem

-1064128506: Missing value on UIConnect