General conditions

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General conditions

mapp Services V5.16

This section lists the general conditions of mapp OEE.


Calculation of the times: Within mapp OEE, times, such as the total runtime, are calculated in milliseconds. Time is specified in hours, minutes and seconds on output parameters, e.g. "Uptime" or "TotalTime" of structure "Info". This means that milliseconds are not displayed and are therefore lost on the output parameters. In this example, the total number of seconds on "TotalTime" would be 55, but 56 is displayed because the milliseconds are calculated internally. For this reason, 56 is displayed on "TotalTime".


The delimiter, which is defined in the MpOeeCore configuration ("Column separator"), should not be used in other places, such as in the shift name or start time. Otherwise, this could result in display problems in the exported file.

Battery-buffered memory (SRAM)

The OEE data can be stored in buffered memory. It is important to note that SRAM memory must be available on the target system for this. For additional information, see here in section "General settings".