Configuring MpTweetCommandRequestDone

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Configuring MpTweetCommandRequestDone

Adding "EN/ENO"

Option "EN/ENO" is enabled by right-clicking on the function.

The function should be executed as soon as the temperature (TempReached) has been reached. The variable is of data type BOOL.


Connecting MpLink

The same mapp Link that was connected to MpTweetCore is used as the mapp Link.


Determining "RequestID"

The same "RequestID" is used that was also used on MpTweetCommandRequestCheck.


Determining "ReturnType"

ReturnType specifies whether the transmission process was successful. "mpTWEET_CMD_REQUEST_SUCCESS" is specified.


MpTweetCommandRequestDone status

Variable "Status" of data type DINT is created to see the current status of the function, .
