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mapp Services V5.16
This data type describes PGN SHUTDN (shutdown).
Data type |
Description |
ClntLvlEngPrtctionShutdownStatus |
Specifies the configuration of the engine protection shutdown of the coolant level. |
PTOShutdownHasShutdownEng |
State signal specifying whether or not the engine has been shut down by the PTO shutdown system. |
EngAirShutoffStatus |
State signal indicating the actual measured position of the air cutoff. |
EngOverspeedTest |
Specifies the state of the engine overspeed test signal as measured by the reporting ECM. |
EngAirShutoffCmdStatus |
Indicates if the air shutoff driver output is activated. |
EngAlarmOutputCmdStatus |
Indicates when the alarm driver output is activated. |
EngAlarmAcknowledge |
Indicates whether engine alarm acknowledgment is active. |
EngProtectionSystemConfig |
Parameter that specifies the configuration of the engine shutdown system. |
EngProtectionSystemTimerState |
Specifies the mode of the engine protection system's timer system. |
EngProtectionSystemTimerOverride |
Specifies the state of the override function of the engine protection system timer. |
EngPrtctnSystmApprachingShutdown |
State signal indicating whether engine shutdown is imminent. |
EngPrtectionSystemHasShutdownEng |
State signal indicating whether the engine protection system has shut down the engine. |
EngWaitToStartLamp |
Indicates whether the engine is too cold to start. |
RefrigerantHighPressSwitch |
Specifies the position of the high pressure switch in the coolant circuit of an air conditioner. |
RefrigerantLowPressSwitch |
Specifies the position of the low pressure switch in the coolant circuit of an air conditioner. |
A_CHighPressFanSwitch |
Switching signal indicating whether the pressure in the coolant circuit of an air conditioner is too high and the fan must be switched on. |
EngIdleShutdownTimerFunction |
Parameter specifying the configuration of the idle shutdown timer system. |
EngIdleShutdownTimerState |
State signal indicating the current operating mode of the idle shutdown timer system. |
EngIdleShutdownTimerOverride |
State signal indicating the state of the override function of the idle shutdown timer system. |
EngIdleShutdownDriverAlertMode |
State signal indicating the state of the driver alert mode of the idle shutdown timer system. |
EngIdleShutdownHasShutdownEng |
State signal that identifies whether or not the engine has been shut down by the idle shutdown timer system. |
Status |
State of the parameter group number. |