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mapp Services V5.16
This data type describes PGN DPFC1 (diesel particulate filter - controller 1).
Data type |
Description |
DslPrtcltFltrActvRgnrtnInhbt5629 |
Indicates the state of the diesel particulate filter's active regeneration inhibition due to the low exhaust gas pressure. |
AFT1DPFCondNotMetForActiveRegen |
Specifies whether regeneration of diesel particulate filter 1 is inhibited or not under current engine operating conditions. |
HydrocarbonDoserPurgingEnable |
Defines the flush release of the hydrocarbon doser. |
DslPrtcltFltrActvRgnrtnFrcdSttus |
Displays the forced execution status of regeneration of the diesel particulate filter. |
ExhaustSystemHighTempLampCmd |
Specifies the state of the exhaust gas system high-temperature lamp. |
DslPrtcltFltrAtmtcActvRgnrtnIntt |
Indicates the configuration of automatic regeneration of the diesel particulate filter. |
DslPrtcltFltrActvRgnrtnInhbt3717 |
Indicates the state of the active regeneration inhibition of the diesel particulate filter since the vehicle speed is less than the permissible vehicle speed. |
DslPrtcltFltrActvRgnrtnInhbtdDTE |
Indicates the state of the diesel particulate filter's active regeneration inhibition since the engine is not warmed up. |
DslPrtcltFltrActvRgnrtnInhbt3715 |
Indicates the state of the active regeneration inhibition of the diesel particulate filter due to a permanent system lock. |
DslPrtcltFltrActvRgnrtnInhbtdDTT |
Indicates the state of the active regeneration inhibition of the diesel particulate filter due to a temporary system lock. |
DslPrtcltFltrActvRgnrtnInhbt3713 |
Indicates the state of the active regeneration inhibition of the diesel particulate filter due to a system timeout. |
DslPrtcltFltrActvRgnrtnInhbt3712 |
Indicates the state of the active regeneration inhibition of the diesel particulate filter due to an active system fault. |
DslPrtcltFltrActvRgnrtnInhbtdDTL |
Indicates the state of the diesel particulate filter's active regeneration inhibition since the exhaust gas temperature is too low. |
DslPrtcltFltrActvRgnrtnInhbt3710 |
Indicates the state of the diesel particulate filter's active regeneration inhibition since the parking brake is not set. |
DslPrtcltFltrActvRgnrtnInhbtdDTV |
Indicates the state of the diesel particulate filter's active regeneration inhibition since the vehicle speed is above a permissible limit. |
DslPrtcltFltrActvRgnrtnInhbtdDTO |
Indicates the state of the diesel particulate filter's active regeneration inhibition since the gearbox is not idling. |
DslPrtcltFltrActvRgnrtnInhbtdDTA |
Indicates the state of the diesel particulate filter's active regeneration inhibition since the accelerator pedal is idle. |
DslPrtcltFltrActvRgnrtnInhbtdDTP |
Indicates the state of the active regeneration inhibition of the diesel particulate filter since the PTO shaft is active. |
DslPrtcltFltrActvRgnrtnInhbtdDTS |
Indicates the state of the active regeneration inhibition of the diesel particulate filter since the service brake is activated. |
DslPrtcltFltrActvRgnrtnInhbtdDTC |
Indicates the state of the diesel particulate filter's active regeneration inhibition since the clutch is disengaged. |
DslPrtcltFltrActvRgnrtnInhbtdDTI |
Indicates the state of the active regeneration inhibition of the diesel particulate filter caused by the diesel particulate filter regeneration suppression switch. |
DslPrtcltFltrActvRgnrtnInhbtdStt |
Indicates the state of the active regeneration inhibition of the diesel particulate filter. |
AFTDPFStatus |
Indicates the state of regeneration demand and the urgency of the diesel particulate filter. |
AFTDPFActiveRegenStatus |
Indicates the state of active regeneration of the diesel particulate filter. |
AFTDPFPassiveRegenStatus |
Indicates the state of passive regeneration of the diesel particulate filter. |
DieselParticulateFilterLampCmd |
Command for controlling the diesel particulate filter lamp. |
Status |
State of the parameter group number. |