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mapp Services V5.16

Structure where all of the variables connected to the Visual Components 4 HMI application are consolidated, in particular with respect to the images for enabling and resetting alarms as well as additional information in text form.


Data type






Number of alarms. The alarm/acknowledgment image must be of this size.




Pointer to the alarm image (BOOL array that can be connected to the VC 4 alarm image)




Pointer to the acknowledgment image (BOOL array that can be connected to the VC 4 alarm image)




Size of a string from input "AddInfo"




Pointer to additional alarm information (array of STRING[AddInfoStringSize-1]) that can be added as a text snippet




Update interval for the alarm image [ms]

Alarm groups can be created in the "Shared resources" in VC 4. Various images can be mapped for each alarm group (e.g. AlarmImage and AcknowledgeImage).




Image size

The "ImageSize" is configured according to the size of the alarm image / acknowledgment image. This means that if there are 200 alarms in the system, then the alarm image and acknowledgment image must have a size of 200 elements [0...199]. "ImageSize" must also be set to 200.


AddInfo string size

Additional data for each alarm can also be forwarded. This is done using a string array. Each element of the array is a string that contains additional data for a certain alarm. The array index corresponds to the index of an alarm within the alarm image / acknowledgment image. The length of the array must therefore be the same as the alarm image or acknowledgment image and is specified via "ImageSize". What's still missing is information about how long an individual element of the string array – a string – is. This is specified by parameter "AddInfoStringSize". It is important to note that a null terminator is not included when creating a string in the variable editor; when creating a string within a task, it is included. Concrete example:

Additional information should also be passed on for the 200 alarms mentioned above. The length of the additional data per alarm is 100 characters. If you create a variable in the variable editor, it will look like this:


When creating the variable in the editor, the null terminator is not really considered since it is automatically included in the reserved memory. What's important is that a size of 101 characters per string must be specified in the UISetup structure. Do not forget the null terminator here!

If the variable is created in the task instead of the variable editor (as is possible with ANSI C), then the same example looks like this:


The null terminator must also be taken into account here; now, however, the null terminator must be included right when the variable is being created.