<< 点击显示目录 >> 主页 mappServices帮助手册 > mapp Data: 数据记录 > 应用与测试例程 > HowTo 例程 |
1.MpData Demo
## Project example ##
## MpData ##
> Versions:
-AR A4.26
-Mapp 1.60.1
-VC 4.26.1
> Hardware:
> Installation and use:
1-. Unzip the Zip file.
2-. Open the project
3-. Go to Project -> Change Runtime Versions and adapt it to the installed versions.
4-. Transfer with Tools -> Offline Install or with Project -> Project Installation -> Offline Install.
5-. Create the C: \ SIM \ MPData folder on your computer.
6-. Connect with a VNC client to the simulation and go to the Data page.
7- The files are generated either by pressing Snapshot or by pressing Record.
8-. The data that will go to the file begins to be saved when Record is pressed depending on the selected mode.
8.1-. There are 3 operating modes for the Record:
- Time, which stores data every SamplingTime.
- Trigger, which saves them when Alarm 2 is activated.
- Value Change, which saves them each time one of the variables to be saved changes its value.
> Additional information
- It will automatically create files in csv with data of 2 variables: Set Temp and Act Temp. If the box "Production Speed" is checked,
the csv file will be created with data of 3 variables: Set Temp, Act Temp and Speed.
2.MpDataPDF Demo
Prepared for AS4.3, AR> = 4.34 and mapp> = 5.2
Use ARsim
It can be opened in AS4.3 or later versions.
You need to add MpReport (PDF generation)
1-. Unzip the Zip file
2-. Open the project
3-. Go to Project -> Change Runtime Versions and adapt it to the versions we have
4-. Transfer with Tools -> Offline Install or with Project -> Project Installation -> Offline Install
5-. Create the C: \ SIM \ MPData folder on your computer
6-. We will automatically create pdf files with data of 2 or 3 variables, as we choose. The data that will go to the file begins to be saved when Record is pressed.
7- The files are generated either by pressing Snapshot or by pressing Record again.
8-. There are 3 modes of use:
- Time, which stores data every SamplingTime
- Trigger, which saves them when Alarm 2 is activated
- Value Change, which saves them each time one of the variables to be changed changes value
9-. Password opening is one and editing is two