Adding mapp CodeBoxFlex configurations

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Adding mapp CodeBoxFlex configurations

mapp Services V5.16

The MpCodeBoxFlexGeneral configuration and the MpCodeBoxFlexInstance configuration must be added in the next step.

The MpCodeBoxFlexGeneral configuration is used to define the general settings of a MpCodeBoxFlex instance. Access rights for process variables as well as functions and function blocks are defined.

An Automation Studio version ≥ 4.9 is required to use the functions of the MpCodeBoxFlexGeneral configuration.


One MpCodeBoxFlexInstance configuration is used per MpCodeBoxFlex instance. This configuration contains the mapp Link needed later for programming.


The storage medium used for storing text programs is set under "Program device name". The storage medium "HD" is specified, which was previously defined in the configuration of the target system.
