Add mapp component

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Add mapp component

mapp Services V5.16

Adding a configuration for MpUser

First, select the desired mapp component from the toolbox.


Adding configuration for user management

The next step is to select the desired mapp component in the Toolbox and then drag-and-drop the configuration into the "mapp" folder. This configuration describes the general user management. All parameters in this configuration apply to all login points.


Add the configuration for a login point

For user management, a configuration for each login point is also necessary. It will have its own MpLink. It will also be added from the Toolbox using drag-and-drop.


Editing the configuration for user management

The configuration for the general user management is then edited by adding a new user named Sam.


Name the MpLink

When a login point configuration is added, the MpLink is automatically added along with it. When the configuration is opened, the MpLink is shown at the very top.
