Add mapp component

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Add mapp component

mapp Services V5.16

Adding the MpTweetCore configuration

The MpTweetCore configuration is added to create a messaging system.


Editing the configuration for the messaging system

It contains the mapp Link, which uniquely identifies the mapp component within the mapp environment. The mapp Link establishes the connection between programming and configuration. The modem to be used is specified under "Connection setup". B&R SiteManager is used. To establish a connection to the modem, the modem's IP address and port number 26864 must be specified. How to configure B&R SiteManager is explained in section SiteManager configuration.


To be able to start a machine command via SMS text message, a request must be created under "Requests". A request is created with ID "StartHeater". The message that must be sent to start the command is "Start heater". Once the heater has reached the required temperature, response "Temperature reached" should be transmitted to the user.
