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mapp Services V5.16


General information

As a service technician, I would like to be able to make use of the online diagnostic and configuration tools available automatically with mapp.

As an application engineer, I do not want to have to worry about the cross-communication between mapp components.

As an application engineer, I would like to be able to structure my software modularly in groups.

As an application engineer, I would like to define units for a variable quickly and easily. These should be automatically adjusted at runtime, depending on the system of units used.

As an application engineer, I would like to be able to easily configure my file devices and effortlessly connect to USB flash drives.

Export/Import function

As a machine operator, I would like to be able to export the configuration of my current machine and import it to another machine.

As a machine operator, I would like to be able to export my data to any file device (e.g. USB flash drive, FTP server).

Displaying data in graph format

As an application engineer, I would like to be able to see all of the entries mapp puts in Logger in my HMI application as well.

Topics in this section:

Unit management