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mapp Services V5.16


General information

As an application engineer, I do not want to have to worry about basic functions such as logging in/out or display via the HMI application.

As an OEM, I would like my machine to meet all FDA regulations; I am supported by MpUser here.

As an application engineer, I would like to be able to easily configure my users and user groups.

As an application engineer, I would like to be able to make system settings for my user management system (e.g. defining rules for passwords or inactivity periods after which users are automatically logged out).

Export/Import function

As an end user, I would like to export my current users and roles on the existing machine so that I can use them on other machines as well.

Displaying user management

As an end user, I would like to be able to create my own users and assign them certain rights.

As an end user, I would like to prevent access to my machine by third parties. Only authorized personnel will be able to operate my machine.

As an end user, I would like to be able to block or delete employees no longer at my company.

As an OEM, I would like separate access to my machines in order to query or change certain machine data.

As a machine operator, I would like to be able to quickly log in and out.

As a machine operator, I would like to prevent anyone from changing machine parameters without my knowledge.

As a shift supervisor, I would like to be able to create and modify recipes. I do no want it to be possible for my machine operators or service technicians to be able to modify recipes, however.

As a service technician, I would like separate access to my machines to I can control the machine manually when performing maintenance.

Topics in this section:

Configuration during runtime

MpUser in a modular application

Access rights, levels and functions

Default values and limitations

Electronic signature

Auditing user management

Importing externally created users

General conditions