Errors, user-defined alarms and mapp alarms

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Errors, user-defined alarms and mapp alarms

mapp Services V5.16

With mapp components, it is necessary to differentiate between errors and alarms. Errors are indicated via "StatusID" on the output of a function or function block or entered in Logger. "StatusID" is used to troubleshoot what did not work when developing the application or later when performing detailed diagnostics.

Alarms provide the machine operator with information about the state of a machine. Alarms should be written up in such a way that the machine operator can respond to them effectively. Alarm handling is not intended to cover detailed diagnostics (e.g. evaluate "StatusID", display ACOPOS error texts, etc.).

Alarms and errors should be considered separate from one another as a rule. Alarms do not necessarily have to be the consequence of an error; they can also occur independently (e.g. user blocked due to incorrectly entering a password triggers an alarm). Errors provide information about the incorrect use of hardware or software and can occur at the same time as an alarm, though this is not required (e.g. loading a recipe indicated via "StatusID" with an alarm generated additionally). The following table shows some of these differences:


mapp component errors

Target group: Developers, service/maintenance technicians

Shown on output "StatusID" or in the Logger

An alarm can but does not have to occur simultaneously with an error.

Occur when the mapp component is not configured correctly, for example

Possible to react to the error number directly in the application software

mapp component alarm

Default alarm

Target group: Machine operators, service/maintenance technicians

An alarm can but does not have to occur simultaneously with an error.

Reported directly to the alarm system

Occurs when lag error occurs on an axis, for example (mpAXIS_ALM_LAG_ERROR)

Can initiate a reaction

Cannot be modified by the user (although the reaction can)

User alarm

Target group: Machine operators, service/maintenance technicians

An alarm can but does not have to occur simultaneously with an error.

Reported directly to the alarm system

Occurs when lag error occurs on an axis, for example (mpAXIS_ALM_LAG_ERROR)

Can initiate a reaction

Cannot be modified by the user (although the reaction can)