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mapp Services V5.16

Pragma CALL_MODE specifies the preference for which function / function block implementation to call.



Pragma CALL_MODE is only valid within section PROGRAM _MAIN. Description

IP_PLC: Prefers an IP implementation over an external PLC implementation (default value).

PLC_IP: Prefers an external PLC implementation over an IP implementation.

IP: Uses an IP implementation. If one is not present, a runtime error is reported.

PLC: Uses a PLC implementation. If one is not present, a runtime error is reported.

DEFAULT: Restores the default preference. This is initialized with IP_PLC.


  #pragma CALL_MODE PLC
  IF strlen(str) <> 0 THEN
  #pragma CALL_MODE IP
  IF is_coords(str) THEN
    coords := Transform(str);