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mapp Services V5.16
The MpLink for this function block is the same that is used for function block MpOeeCore. All entries logged by MpOeeCore are then displayed by MpOeeTimelineUI. MpOeeCore must be active in order to use the functions of this mapp component. MpOeeTimelineUI represents a connection between the currently stored entries and a Visual Components 4 HMI application. Data is exchanged between MpOeeTimelineUI and the HMI application using structure MpOeeTimelineUIConnectType.
An event in this mapp component's list indicates a state change on the machine. The data is updated as soon as a new event occurs, such planned downtime, etc.
Structure "UIConnect" is divided into the following areas:
•Status: Parameter "Status" provides information about the current activity of timeline management.
•Output: Displays the timeline in the HMI application (1 entry = 1 state, e.g. downtime or uptime)
•Filter: Offers the option of displaying the timeline from a certain starting point to a certain ending point
"TimelineListSize" defines in this structure how many events should be displayed on one page of the HMI application. "ScrollWindow" determines how many events are displayed in advance when scrolling up and down.