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mapp Services V5.16

The same MpLink used by MpEnergyCore is used for this component as well.

This component represents a connection between the collected energy data and a Visual Components 4 HMI application. Data is exchanged between MpEnergyCoreUI and the HMI application using the MpEnergyCoreUIConnectType structure.


Structure "UIConnect" is divided into the following areas:

Status: Parameter "Status" provides information about the current activity of energy management.

ShowTemporaryRecordData: Makes it possible to switch between absolute and temporary recording

ModuleList: Shows a list of specified modules along with their active and reactive energy consumption.

SelectedModule: Shows detailed information about the currently selected module

OverallDetails: Shows the energy consumption in table form

OverallCharts: Shows all energy data in graphic form


"ModuleListSize" defines in this structure how many modules should be displayed on one page of the HMI application. "ModuleScrollWindow" determines how many modules from the list are displayed in advance when scrolling up and down.