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mapp Services V5.16
The same MpLink used by MpUserLogin is used for this component as well.
This component represents a connection between user management and a Visual Components 4 HMI application. Data is exchanged between MpUserManagerUI and the HMI application using structure MpUserMgrUIConnectType.
Only one MpUserManagerUI can be used for each MpUserLogin. It is not possible to use multiple instances of MpUserManagerUI.
Structure "UIConnect" is divided into the following areas:
•Status: Parameter "Status" provides information about the current activity of user management.
•User: User data is stored in structure MpUserMgrUIUserType. Exact information about individual users can be retrieved in a list. It is also possible to add any number of new users or edit any number of existing users. There is no limit to the number users that can be created.
•Group: A list of all user groups and their access rights is displayed using structure MpUserMgrUIGroupType . It is also possible to edit the user groups there. There is no limit to the number of new groups that can be created.
•Export: An export is carried out with the help of structure MpUserMgrUIExportType. A dialog box determines which file should be exported. All users and user groups are exported.
•Import: An import is carried out with the help of structure MpUserMgrUIImportType. A dialog box determines which file should be imported. Various import modes can be selected in the MpUser configuration under "User import mode" and "Group import mode".
•MessageBox: The various dialog boxes for MpUser can be configured using structure MpUserUIMessageBoxType.
•DefaultLayerStatus: The background layer can be locked for the duration that a dialog box is open using this data point.
Transferring the MpFile library to the controller is necessary in order to display a list of possible files with this function block's "Import" function.
"UserListSize" defines in this structure how many entries from the user list should be displayed on one page of the HMI application. "ScrollWindow" determines how many entries from the list are initially displayed when scrolling up and down. "FileDevice" is used to select the data storage device where the user data should be imported or exported. "FileExtension" is used to define the extension for the exported files or only display those files with the same extension during an import.
"ConfirmOverwriteUser" and "ConfirmOverwriteGroup" can be used to define whether overwriting of users / user groups should be confirmed by dialog box.
If an error occurs during a login attempt since the password was specified incorrectly, for example, the error is displayed in message box structure MpUserUIMessageBoxType under "ErrorNumber". The following errors can occur:
•24577: Invalid configuration
•24578: User already exists
•24579: Invalid login token
•24580: No administrator rights
•24581: Insufficient user rights
•24582: User group does not exist
•24583: Password not strong enough
•24584: User blocked
•24585: Password change required
•24586: Too many login attempts, login no longer possible
•24587: User has no administrator rights
•24589: No user logged in
•24591: Identical passwords
•24592: Username already exists
•24595: Invalid user group index
•24597: User already logged in
•24598: Missing value on UIConnect
•24599: Invalid username
•24601: Missing MpUserLogin
•24602: Confirmation password incorrect
•24603: Specified system right not found
•24604: Import failed
•24605: Error loading import file
•24606: Error saving export file
•24611: Username too short
•24612: User group already exists
•24613: Cannot delete user group
•24616: Password already used
•24617: Invalid import file
•24618: Key already in use
•24619: Information not found