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mapp Services V5.16
The MpLink for this function block is the same that is used for function block MpTweetCore. The component represents a connection between a messaging system and an HMI application. Data is exchanged between MpTweetCoreUI and the HMI application using structure MpTweetCoreUIConnectType. An MpTweetCore component must be active to use MpTweetCoreUI.
Structure "UIConnect" is divided into the following areas:
•Receiver: Structure MpTweetUIReceiverType provides a table listing existing recipients and their telephone numbers. It is also possible to add, edit or delete recipients.
•SubscriptionsAndHierarchy:MpTweetUISubscriptionType provides a table listing recipients of alarm notifications. The notification order and recipient settings can be edited here.
"ReceiverListSize" in the structure defines how many recipient are displayed on one page of the HMI application. "ReceiverListScrollWindow" determines how many entries from the list are initially displayed when scrolling up and down.
Parameter "Confirmation" can be used to enable or disable various dialog boxes.