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mapp Services V5.16
The MpLink of an MpAlarmBasic configuration is used for this function block. The following are the main functions of this function block:
Counting alarms
As soon as this function block is active, output "ActiveAlarms" will indicate how many alarms are currently active. This includes all mapp component alarms and user-defined alarms. Inactive, unacknowledged alarms are not included.
The number of all active/inactive yet unacknowledged alarms is indicated on output "PendingAlarms". These are exactly those alarms that are displayed in the HMI application if they require acknowledgment.
Displaying machine reactions
A configurable reaction can be triggered for each alarm. This reaction is output on output "Reaction". The output uses bit coding, which means that an individual bit of output "Reaction" is set for each alarm. The result is a bitwise OR connected value that is provided by MpAlarmBasic.
Some examples of possible user-defined reactions could include immediate machine stoppage, temporarily halting the machine after the current cycle, turning off a heating system or switching to a maintenance state.
This example shows how a possible machine reaction could look. In this case, two reactions are active (bit 2 and bit 32).
The reactions are configured in Automation Studio. The mapp alarms and user alarms can be configured for each component (see section MpAlarmBasic configuration). Alternatively, the alarms can be configured using the WebXs (see section Alarm WebXs). In both cases, the user alarms must be added using MpAlarmRegUser.
Centralizing alarms
MpAlarmBasic centralizes all alarms in a single list. If MpAlarmBasic is used within a mechatronic unit, then the only alarms displayed are those for that unit. If the unit has other units further down the hierarchy, then their alarms will also be included.
Alarms from mapp components that are enabled before MpAlarmBasic ("Active" = TRUE) are lost. Alarms that occur after MpAlarmBasic is enabled are displayed.
User-defined alarms
The MpAlarmSet function allows the user to incorporate up to 100 separate alarms in the central alarm manager. These alarms can be configured using the WebXs of the MpAlarmBasic component.
It is not necessary to create the 100 user alarms from MpAlarmBasic using MpAlarmRegUser. The number of possible user alarms cannot be further increased using MpAlarmRegUser.